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7 months

My goodness life has been busy here trying to get ready for our move to Texas but I still wanted to make time to write down how Brooklyn has changed and grown in the last month. I already feel bad for my future babies...I doubt they'll get records of each month of their 1st year of life. I'll do my best. Anyways...

Isn't she cute? Melts my heart everyday. Here are some of the things she's been up to this last month:
  • Reaches out to touch your face and show that she loves you
  • Got her 2nd tooth!
  • Does the funniest thing where she chews on her top gums with her bottom teeth. Her nostrils flare and her nose gets all scrunched up. It's pretty dang adorable.
  • Loves to play sitting up. She can sit up like a champion
  • Slaps her hands down on everything: legs, tables, floor, water in the bath or pool
  • Loves to also play on her tummy and will go from sitting to her knees to flat on her belly
  • While she's on her stomach she'll turn herself around in a circle. This was her first form of movement
  • She army crawls! It has been so fun for her to be able to get the things she sees. It has been giving me a run for my money. I am just not used to the fact that she can move. We've had a couple incidents but I am learning...ha
  • Said dada for the first time without knowing that's what she meant. Derek still loved hearing it.
  • Plays independently for long periods
  • Excellent sleeper
  • We got her a straw sippy cup and it's the best thing. She loves to suck on that straw
  • Makes whisper whistle sounds
  • Can make pop and razz noises with her lips
  • LOVES to swim
  • Gets excited when she see's a familiar face. It really make mine or Derek's day to know she's excited to see us.
  • Loves to suck on ice cubs in her little mesh feeder
I feel like she has changed so much this past month and is always keeping me on my toys. She puts things in her mouth she shouldn't, she is knocking everything over that's within reach while I hold her, and she grabs anything when I sit down with her. I love to see her so eager to discover the world. I love to know that she is growing so much. She continues to bless our lives so much everyday and continues to make me a better person by all she teaches me. So grateful for our little girl. Sure do love you Brooklyn!

Her first 4th of July!
First rainstorm! 
Playing with cousins 
She was cuddling with me. She never does this. I was in heaven.
This girl is so flexible. She just bends in half all day long.
Such a happy baby 
Ready for church 
Her many faces while trying to eat food when she'd rather be sleeping
Big girl bath time! 

Loves her dad. Also look at those long legs! 

Playing outside
Playing with Great Grandma and Grandpa Fairbanks


  1. Are you KIDDING me!?! She's 7 months!? We need to hang out - STAT! What a smiley little girl. Love the pics.

  2. You have some adorable pics with both of you guys holding Brooklyn! So cute!

  3. Can't get over those beautiful blue eyes! What a cutie pie!

  4. Sooooo Adorable!!!!!! You all look great.
    Love you guys!!!!

  5. Okay, she is PERFECT and looks SO much like you! :)


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