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Please Tell Me...

Please tell me you guys have done this before because I just can't be the only one.
This has happened twice to me now and I just feel ridiculous about it.

I am shopping and Brooklyn is in her carseat sleeping and the diaper bag is in the main part of the cart. I am getting my groceries and just start putting stuff in around the carseat and diaper bag. I check out, get my bags, and head out to the car. I load the groceries in the car and then take Brooklyn out to put her in the car and I find stuff I haven't paid for. It slid underneath her carseat or the diaper bag and there it is. First time, it was pie crust and the second time it was shampoo. I try to check everywhere but something always seems to slip underneath the carseat and in my hurry I just miss it. I feel so dumb but at this point Brooklyn is buckled in and I am in a hurry to get her home. For those of you with small children you know how difficult it is to repack it all and get back in there when they could wake up at any moment and start to cry. Now of course I don't want to steal from these stores so my next visit goes a little like this:

Me: So I need you to ring this pie crust up but leave it here. I just want to pay for it.
Cashier: Ok...whatever you want I guess.
Me: Well last time I was here it didn't get rung up correctly so I want to pay for it but not take it.
Cashier: Ok... (awkward stares and silence after this.)

hahaha I felt so uncomfortable and they thought I was crazy. What is a girl to do?

At least this little girl loves me, right?


  1. Girl, this has happened to me a few times. Most of the time, Mason has thrown something in my diaper bag and I don't notice it. I asked once at the store what I should do, and they said not to worry about it. The important thing is that you try not to do it! Honest mistake!!

  2. seriously. i hate that. i bought a bunch of stuff and it was freezing outside, henrik was hungry and i forgot the potatoes in the bottom of my cart. i so just wanted to leave henrik in the car for a second, but i packed him up and we went back inside to pay for the potatoes. but what you did sounds like a much better idea! haha

  3. This has been done by me too...but worse for me is caleb is cranky in he store so I give him something to shake or play with in the cart. I check out, and go to the car, and when I get home I realize the thing I had given caleb he threw on the ground in the store without my knowing!! So I never really have everything I need....I try to give him things I won't need next time. lol!

  4. This has been done by me too...but worse for me is caleb is cranky in he store so I give him something to shake or play with in the cart. I check out, and go to the car, and when I get home I realize the thing I had given caleb he threw on the ground in the store without my knowing!! So I never really have everything I need....I try to give him things I won't need next time. lol!

  5. This has been done by me too...but worse for me is caleb is cranky in he store so I give him something to shake or play with in the cart. I check out, and go to the car, and when I get home I realize the thing I had given caleb he threw on the ground in the store without my knowing!! So I never really have everything I need....I try to give him things I won't need next time. lol!

  6. Totally happened to me at Target a couple weeks ago. Rex's hair gel found its way under Alice's car seat. So, I left the hair gel the car and and when I went back to Target I just put it in my cart and proceeded shopping. :-) I'm glad you posted about this. All the comments are like a support group!

    P.S. CUTE picture of you and Brooklyn!

  7. It was an entire case of tuna here.

  8. Yep YESTERDAY hahaha Luckily James was with me so I ran in and paid for the ethernet cable we meant to buy! But once I forgot something inside the house right after lugging Thomas and the massive car seat out. I was tempted to run in and leave Thomas but alas my common sense kicked in but my muscles were angry. Moms....

  9. Done this AT LEAST 3 times. Ha. You are not alone:) So aggravating!

  10. I haven't done it.... YET! But my best friend does it all the time. She has 3 kids so there's no way she would go back in the store to pay for it. She said she just leaves it in the cart. But I think you have the best idea to just pay for it next time you go!


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