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Big News!

So this is big news for the Power family. I know many of you know a million other people who are currently pregnant but before you roll your eyes and skip over this post completely (ha), read on and hear a little bit about our story.

I am currently 20 weeks pregnant. We just found out yesterday that we are expecting a baby girl. She is due to enter this world on January 3, 2012. So far she is healthy and growing strong. She is growing about a week ahead of schedule. Maybe she'll come before the end of the year. Derek and I will celebrate our 3rd anniversary on the 16th of not too long after our sweet girl is born.

A little about us:

Derek: One of the things I love most about Derek is how patiently he accepts trials in his life. He always has such a good atitude about what life has handed him. When he was 11 or 12 he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Then at age 19 he was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer.  He has now been in remission for 5 years. We are truly blessed. He also has Jaundice and Graves Disease.  He is seriously my hero. The way he never complains and handles everything so gracefully is truly an example to me. We are lucky that nothing more has occurred and feel truly blessed that he is so healthy and strong. I tell you all of this because we were worried that we wouldn't be able to have children because of all of these things.

Laura: I thought nothing could possibly be wrong with me and that the reason we were having a hard time was just because. After many blood tests, personal tracking, and an HSG test we discovered that I had some blockage due to a previous surgery when my appendix was removed. Then we discovered that I don't ovulate regularly. Too much? Sorry! 

So finally 1.5 years later we are truly blessed with a miracle. We were able to conceive naturally. I know many of my friends are currently struggling with infertility and have been longer than we were. Please know you are in my constant thoughts and prayers. 

Derek and I are beyond excited for this opportunity to be parents. Everyday we can't help but thank our Heavenly Father for allowing us to experience this miracle and for truly is a miracle. 

So there is that. This is something truly special and amazing to us and so we have been hesitant to share it with everyone because there are so many others who are having children right now and we didn't want to undermine the fact that this truly is a miracle and a blessing. 

Here are some pictures from yesterday when we found out we are having a precious little girl:

So on that heavy note....ha Sorry to dive into our personal lives probably too much for some of you but I couldn't be happier to share it with my friends. Thanks to my family and friends who already know who have offerend so much love, support and excitement.


ok that's all for now. Have a great day!


  1. You are both so dang cute! I LOVE how happy you both look in these pictures! I can't wait to see your Baby girl! You will both be such loving parents. Congratulations!

  2. YAY!! Congrats. You look great and so happy! You are going to be an awesome mom :):)

  3. you look soooo happy in these pictures! I am so excited for you. so sweet :)

  4. That's great news! I'll never forget that we found out we were pregnant with our first just minutes before coming to your wedding reception. We were bursting with excitement, but of course didn't want to tell anyone so early. It was especially hard because we saw so many of our friends that night. So in a weird way you'll always be tied to that happy memory for me! Good luck and congratulations on your little girl!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hooray! I know I have already told you how happy I am for you, but I just can't say it enough! The miracle of pregnancy is such a special gift. I think even more special for those of us who really have to work for it. Laura, you look amazing in these pictures! I hate that I am not there to witness all of your progression. You are adorable and will be the best mommy! I can't wait to see you in December, maybe I can even meet her while I am home :)

  7. Wooohooo!! I'm sooo excited for you guys! You look amazing and you both look so happy. I can't wait to meet that adorable little girl... she's going to have the BEST parents! Congratulations!! :)

  8. Who would ever roll their eyes at this EXCITING, HAPPY news!!! SO SO happy for you two ! :)

  9. Woo hoo! I'm so excited for you guys! I didn't realize you had been trying so long to get pregnant. What a blessing! You guys are going to be such awesome parents. :) I wish we still lived close so we could be pregnant together and our kids could be friends!

  10. Congrats! I'm super excited for y'all.

  11. I am soooooo thrilled for you! Hooray! Having a girl first is wonderful!

  12. You warm my two are blessings to all of us!

  13. We couldn't be happier for you!!! We love you!
    -Jopes (Joe), Elizabeth, Joseph (little Joe), and Everlit

  14. YAYYY! I am so excited for you!

  15. That's so exciting!! Who cares how many other people are pregnant right now this is your special moment don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. Couldn't be happier for you two congratulations!

  16. That is amazing news! I am so excited for you! Little girls are so sweet! I cant wait for you to start this new chapter of motherhood!

  17. Congrats girl!! I have been told this is the year of the baby, everyone is pregnant, blah blah blah. You treasure your precious miracle and don't let anyone ruin that for you! So happy for you!

  18. you made me cry!!! i love it. i love you guys so much and it really is a miracle. we couldn't be happier for you and baby girl power! yayyy for babies!!!


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