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Baby B at 6 months

So my sweet girl is 6 months old. I feel like from the moment she was born I was waiting for her to be this old. I knew we would have so much fun together as she can do more and interact more than she could when she was just a wee little one. She's grown and changed so much this past month. She amazes me everyday.

  • She is always on the move. Examples: She rolled of the bed when I was brushing my hair and what I like to call...the swing incident. Our dear friends Jackie and Par have let us borrow their swing. It has saved our life on many occasions. Anyway, I put her in there for a nap one afternoon and start to hear her wakeup. Usually I let her wake up a little before I go and get her. So I start to listen to her get a little more fussy so I go back there to check out what she's up to. She is on her stomach, her head is facing down where her butt should be, and her waist and legs are dangling off the swing and it goes back and forth. I should've snapped a picture but I moved fast because I didn't want her to fall. That's my crazy girl. She was pretty happy about it too. 
  • Loves water bottles. She is constantly grabbing mine out of my mouth and shoving it in hers. She also loves to bite it. It's too cute. She loves drinking water out of my water bottle. She's great at sucking on straws
  • Loves tags
  • Has become a little inch worm using her knees to push herself forward towards her toys
  • She loves to fling her body from her back to stomach in order to reach whatever she wants
  • Went on her first boating trip and did pretty well
  • Says mama. Now I know she's too young to associate it with me but I still think it's cute. The first time I heard it (6/17) I think my heart skipped a beat.
  • She's rolled a few times from her back to back or stomach to stomach
  • Got her first tooth (6/26)! She now has two as of a couple of nights ago.
  • She has tried some different solid foods: rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, and some whip cream. As I am sure you could guess...Derek gave her the whip cream. ha 
  • Can sit up pretty well. If she gets to excited and lunges for something she tops over but other than that she's going great.
Basically she is my moving machine and my happy girl. Her second tooth brought her some misery because she just had shots the day before and then an upset stomach that night. Other than that she's learning and growing like a champion. I love that I have the opportunity to stay home with her every day and play with her. 

I mean those eyes, I could die! I love them.
Her maiden voyage!  
Aunt Samantha came to visit and we had a picnic 

Dressed in their Sunday best 
Chewing on everything

Such a big girl


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