Ok a couple of things before I begin.
First, thank you so much to all of you for your love and support. We were a little hesitant to announce the news of our baby girl and we feel even more blessed for all of your sweet comments and best wishes. It truly meant the world to us. So excited to meet her. I can already tell she's cute. :)
Second thing...I made it home from Alabama safely. Thanks again for all of your worry and support. I feel bad for the people in Louisiana as they really suffered some hardships due to hurricane Isaac. After all, I was born in Louisiana and even though i only lived there for two short weeks of my life it's still my birth place. I have been keeping them in my prayers and I hope they all recover quickly. In other news...Birmingham was an interesting place. Highlight of the trip: Jim n Nick's BBQ. They had amazing mashed potatoes, homemade mac n cheese, and these cheddar biscuits that were to die for. Honestly. I could just eat those three things and be happy. I mean wow. Il'l have to look for some recipes online.
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So now on to what i originally wanted to blog about. I follow a lot of blogs of these cute first time mamas. A couple of them have already had their babies and I am so happy for them. Anyways, a lot of them do these little updates on how things are progressing. I thought it would be a fun idea so that I can record more about about I am feeling and how our sweet girl is progressing. I am getting started a little late on this but better late than never right? Ok here it goes...
How Far Along: 23 weeks, 1 day
Size of the Baby: A large mango, 11 inches long, and approximately a pound. (However at an ultrasound I had at a little over 21 weeks she was already over a pound.)
Weight gain/loss: I am not entirely sure. In the first trimester I lost about 10 pounds. When i went to the doctors in August I had put on 8. I am assuming, since it's been over a month that I have put on some more. I guess we'll see.
Sleep: It's pretty much the worst. I keep trying to convince myself to invest in one of those body pillows but I just can't justify it. I hate not being able to sleep on my back. I am loving all those charlie horses. Something odd: I guess however i position myself to sleep on my side i wake up all the time with numb arms. Haven't really figure that out yet. I get up anywhere from 5-8 times during the middle of the night to use the bathroom. What never fails are those stupid, loud trains that wake me up every morning at 3:00/3:30. They are so loud. Not even kidding.
Best Moment of the Week: Buying her her first outfit! We were shopping with Martha and Jamie at the outlets in Park City on Monday and Carters was having an amazing sale. Martha found it and we had to have it.
Movement: Yes. She is moving around a lot during the middle of the day. She loves to kick me when I am on my back. I guess she's not a fan of that...ha Derek has gotten to feel her only a couple of times but he loves it.
Symptoms: Swelling. Hip pain and lots of it. I mean lots.
Food Cravings: Chewy fruit things: Laffy Taffy, Starbursts, fruit snacks, etc. I am loving the texture for some odd reason. As always, milk. I just can't get enough of milk.
Gender: Baby girl
Belly Button in or out: In but starting to become wider. Not a fan.
Anything making you qeasy or sick: Bad smells and drinking too much water on an empty stomach.
Labor Signs: No and thank goodness
Wedding ring on or off: Off. My fingers are too fat from all of that swelling.
What I miss: A good nights sleep. Exercising at my normal capacity.
What I am looking forward to: Going to see a new doctor next week. I am not a fan of the one we currently have so I am hoping this one is great. She's actually a midwife and I am pretty excited about it. (No...we aren't having a home birth..ha)
Nursery: Still an office and storage room.
Emotions: I am a little crazy but that's to be expected right?
Stupid things I have done: Nothing comes to mind...I guess I should probably ask Derek to weigh in on this one. ha
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Here we are enjoying some of the last days of summer |
Well there it is. My first pregnancy reflection thing. Thanks for sharing in our journey.
Those cheddar biscuits look amazing. I want one - now. they should have mail order service for pregnant ladies.
ReplyDeleteGotta say.... LOVING the body pillow. Really makes the whole transition to side sleeping thing easier... it may be worth it if you're not sleeping well.
Good luck with the new doctor - hope this one's better!
And love the blog update questions ... I may steal this :) It's a great idea!
But this is the magical time! Personally I always loved it, and she slept through the night because her tummy would fit in the small of my back and she wouldn't feel the kicks at night that way... I would; but I didn't mind as much. (Like a tiny massage cushion)
ReplyDeleteSooo cute!!! Hope you like your midwife!!
ReplyDeleteLove this! I hope your new doctor works out. Keep us posted. Addie keeps on asking to come and see you! She really misses you!
ReplyDeleteI am a firm believer in earplugs and have been since my mission. It's not cool to get woken up by trains. My recommendation- splurge a couple dollars and pick up some purple flents. I wear them every night and every nap. It's wonderfully quiet.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am also all for a body pillow. If you get one, I'll make you a cute pillow case that matches your bed. Live you!
Yay for pregnancy and baby girls and cute new outfits! You gotta post a picture of the outfit because I'm dying to see it. I can't wait to find out the gender so we can start buying things.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'm glad you made it out of Alabama unscathed. :)
adorable pictures! but now all I want is some cheese bread haha
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! A BABY GIRL!??? So exciting! I ALWAYS love milk, get LOTS of it now while you can, they say it makes your baby gassy when your nursing so I have stopped drinking it (mostly :))! And now I want laffy taffy :)
ReplyDeleteLove your blog. New follower. Follow me back via GFC?