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Spider Hunting and Redeisgn Help

So spider hunting huh? Something I've never wanted to participate in but all the sudden find it very necessary to do. What will help you understand this better is the traumatic experience from Friday. Keep in mind that I hate spiders just as much as I hate roaches. I have gotten better at killing spiders and conquering this fear but Friday was too much for me.

I wake up Friday morning not feeling very well so I decided to work from home. On days when you don't feel well it's so hard to jump in the shower first thing. Around 3:00 pm I decided it was now or never. (We live in a basement apartment of a 4-plex. All our windows are ground level.) Anyways everything is going great and I turn off the water getting ready to put my hair in a towel. I flip my hair over my head and see a spider sitting on my hip bone. True story. I flicked it off (which took a couple of tries) and when it hit the ground it started running towards my bare feet. Absolutely not. I jumped out of that shower as quickly as I could and started to freak out and cry all at the same time. Now I couldn't kill the spider because I was too afraid. I was a disaster for quite awhile. I am not really sure what came over me. Just something about it being on my bare skin was too much for me to handle.

Anyways every night and morning Derek and I search the house for any spiders we can see. Last night we killed two. The night before 4. The best part is every night there is one in the bath tub. It's still scary for me to shower because if it's happened once it can happen again, right? I did get some good news today. Our landlord is calling a pest control company to come spray and see where they are getting in from. Hopefully I'll be able to report in the future that I can shower in safety. Why does it always seem that things like this happen to those who are most afraid? One of those mysteries I guess.

Wish us luck on our spider hunting adventures.

To all my blogging friends:
I am in need of some assistance. As you can see on my blog home page there is this horrid paisley background I can't seem to get rid of. If you click on any of the other tabs you will see the white background. This is what I have customized it to be but for some reason I can't get this paisley background off of my home page. (Bare with me through this ugly stage) When I go to blogger to attempt to find the problem I can't. We've check the HTML when the site previews it previews correctly. Somewhere, somehow this background is stuck. Any ideas? Any tips? Do I just have to start over? I have a feeling I posted this background ( when I was in the older blogger, like two years ago, and somehow it has re-appeared. I tried adding the background and deleting it to try and trick the blog but nothing seems to be working. So if any of you have any ideas, thoughts, or friends with ideas please let me know in the comments of e-mail me at 

Thank you in advance for your help!


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. I would totally FREAK out! I absolutely despise spiders. I'm sorry you guys have to deal with that! Hopefully the exterminators can do a good job.

    1. You know how we role...ha cockroaches first and spiders second. I mean I am ok with a few spiders here and there. It's to be expected. The landlord said this tends to happen when it gets too hot because they are looking for a cool place to hideout during the day. Horrid. I loved your CA blog post. Can't wait to hear more about it!

  2. i am so glad you addressed the issue of the blog background. the whole time i was reading i was thinking "WHAT HAS LAURA DONE!? SHE'S A DESIGN PERSON!! SHE SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!"...but you explained yourself. also, we have huge roaches here in taiwan. HUGE.

    1. It is horrid! I can't get rid of it. Any ideas? Blah dumb blogger. I don't even know how to restore to start over. Anyways I hate roaches and your roach story was gross. I'm proud of you for killing it though.

  3. Trevor would die, he HATES SPIDERS! haha and my little brother is adjusting faster then most do I think. Faster then my other brothers. His personality was very suited to serve a mission, he loved it!

    1. I almost died. I swear. It was horrid. I am glad he is adjusting well. I was a wreck for a good 7 months. I have no idea what was wrong with me. ha I just missed my mission and felt awkward all the time. My friends can attest to that. ha I bet it's nice to have him home and spend that time with your family. Great way to start summer.

  4. hey I have seen your blog. I hvn't found any problem with your template.. Tech Knol

    1. It's the paisley background on the home page that won't go away event after i restore the widgets and everything. The background is only supposed to be white and it is when you click on my tabs but when you type in the paisley shows up. Any ideas?

  5. Oh man, I would die too if a spider landed on my hip! I HATE spiders! Isn't it so funny how bad we hate them though when they're so tiny!? Is it because they have 8 legs? I can't wrap my head around it! GOOD LUCK GETTING THEM!


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