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Progess is still progress, but really?

I am getting so frustrated with this weight loss journey. There are so many things I love about it and have brought me so much joy:
  • Never feeling too full that my stomach hurts and I can't find a comfortable position to sit in
  • Really eating only what I want
  • Finding new ways to introduce veggies into me life
  • Still allowing myself a treat if I want it and have room left
  • Watching the numbers go down on the scale (My favorite one)
  • Finding new exercises I enjoy and don't make my body feel worse/injured after doing them
I have learned so much and am glad I started on this journey.  Here is my complaint though:

I have changed so much about my diet and activity and I love it. I feel better all the time. I am working so hard and am seeing progress but not like others. I am just frustrated. I'll cut out all sweets and carbs. I measure everything I eat and I still am only loosing .5 pounds/week on average. Some weeks I stay the same and others I loose so it averages out to .5 pounds. Could it come off any slower? I am down 14 pounds and am loving that I am but at this rate I feel like it'll take me a decade to reach my weight loss goals. I guess I am just feeling discouraged and frustrated that my changes aren't enough; that following the plan isn't enough. Why can't my body just let go already? I came home from this past weigh in on Saturday and was down a pound. I wasn't even excited because I didn't weigh in the week before so it was still on track with that .5 pounds/week. I understand I am progressing but why so slow? 

Do any of you have any advice? Tips? Words of inspiration? I am doing weight watchers and so I understand how important writing down every nibble of everything is. I would love to hear anything you have to offer. 


Happy but not satisfied

Sorry about the weird looking baby but I thought the caption explained my thoughts in this blog post.


  1. I hear you! I remember when I was doing weight watchers. At first I felt like I lost weight quickly, then I hit a spot where I was either only losing 1/2 pound or staying the same or gaining 1/2 pound. It was so frustrating because I felt like I was doing what they asked but I wasn't losing. I just continued exercising and counting points and eventually I hit my goal. But it does take time and you do hit plateaus, but your body adjusts and you will get over it. Dieting is just so hard anyways, but I love how weight watchers helps with portion control and eating healthier, because it doesn't feel as much like dieting. Good Luck, you can do it :)

  2. I did weight watchers after Lily was born. The results were so slow that I lost interest. I know bad, but true. This time around, after Logan, I have tried something new. I started the 17 day diet and lost 17 lbs in the first 17 days. I even went off of it for a couple of months and ate whatever I wanted and kept it off. Now I am doing another round of it to get more weight off. I have also changed so many of our favorite recipes to healthier ones. I would love to share any of them with you. I know weight loss is hard. It is also an emotional roller coaster! You can do it! You have the desire and the persistence to get you there! And it is always great to feel better!

  3. Hang in there dear! It is a long journey but I know YOU can do it. You have amazing strength that I have admired since the day I met you.You are truly amazing Laura and I'm not just saying this to say it . I'm saying it because it is TRUE!!

    That being said ,I don't know if you are taking any medications but there are some that can cause problems when trying to loose weight, even some allergy meds. My sister had some trouble with this, talked to her doctor, switched up her meds a bit and had more success. So Just in case you are it's worth looking into.
    I luv you Laura !

  4. Laura. You are amazing. Truly. Keep the eating habits right, and you'll lose weight. I know it's super frustrating to hit a plateau, but that's just how it is sometimes. Women's bodies are just like that - which sucks. But one thing I do have to add, which you probably already know, is that 1 pound = 3500 calories. So every two weeks, you're misplacing 3500 calories, which is AWESOME. So keep that up. It sounds like your diet isn't really the problem here, but it's your exercising. Do you do the same thing all the time? Or do you change it up. Try walking on the treadmill or the elliptical, lifting weights, swimming, classes, etc. Step out of your comfort zone and do some different things for a week or two. Then go back and do what you're normally doing. Also, sign up for the AF Tri that we're doing and you can do it with us and beat me! I always find that it's easier to exercise when you have something to work toward. Also, we'll stop making yummy desserts when you guys come over to tempt you! You were so good to not eat my carrot cake! :)

    Love you lots! You're great and you look great - so keep up the great work!

  5. Laura. You are amazing. Truly. Keep the eating habits right, and you'll lose weight. I know it's super frustrating to hit a plateau, but that's just how it is sometimes. Women's bodies are just like that - which sucks. But one thing I do have to add, which you probably already know, is that 1 pound = 3500 calories. So every two weeks, you're misplacing 3500 calories, which is AWESOME. So keep that up. It sounds like your diet isn't really the problem here, but it's your exercising. Do you do the same thing all the time? Or do you change it up. Try walking on the treadmill or the elliptical, lifting weights, swimming, classes, etc. Step out of your comfort zone and do some different things for a week or two. Then go back and do what you're normally doing. Also, sign up for the AF Tri that we're doing and you can do it with us and beat me! I always find that it's easier to exercise when you have something to work toward. Also, we'll stop making yummy desserts when you guys come over to tempt you! You were so good to not eat my carrot cake! :)

    Love you lots! You're great and you look great - so keep up the great work!


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