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Pumpkin Adnvetures

A couple of weeks ago Derek and I found the cutest Pumpkin Patch close to where we live.  We had a blast picking out our pumpkins. As always, Derek took his time making sure his pumpkin would be perfect for his carving design

Derek's Perfect Pumpkin
I don't know why I am hunched over but this was the best picture we have.
We were so excited to have many choices.
Happy Fall!   

A couple weeks later we finally found the time to carve our pumpkin masterpieces. So last night we set up our carving table and turned on a Halloween movie and started carving.
Could he be more excited? Adorable.

Our final product. Derek's is on the left.

His turned out so well. I love it.
Surprisingly, I love mine as well. The ghosts seem to be coming towards you.

 We may not love all the scary things of Halloween but we love the holiday and especially the pumpkin carving. It's one of Derek's favorite things. He is very creative and talented so it's just another way for him to express his love for art. His designs are always perfect and meticulous.

Love Halloween! Before that comes though, Derek will celebrate his golden birthday on Tuesday. I am excited to celebrate that with him.


  1. Wow! Those are awesome. Guess I better go buy our pumpkins:) Scott is the same way as Derek with his carving. I love it!

  2. I spy you wearing a pink hoodie. Me, Olivia, and Rach all have matching pink hoodies. You are so included in on that awesomeness. I love it.

    Also, your pumpkins are amazing. I find pumpkin carving to be one of the most difficult and frustrating experiences of my life. You are amazing.

    ps. please come visit me.


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