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Happy 3 Months!

Happy 3 Months Baby B (April 3, 2013)! You are growing and changing everyday and we just love it. Here are some of our favorite things about you:
  • Squealing. You have found your voice and it is the best. You are talking so much and have started to make the funniest noises and become a little louder. I sure do love all your talking.
  • Love having your bum patted. It calms you down and helps you fall asleep.
  • Love the football hold. When your stomach is upset or you're tired you just want to be held that way. You don't take pacifiers so we refer to this as your pacifier hold. It calms you almost automatically.
  • All about your hands. You can't stop sucking on them, staring at them, stretching them out, and grabbing things with them. 
  • Giggle. This has been the best thing ever. You laugh! I love it. Your dad and I are always trying new things to get you to laugh because it brings us so much joy. You even laugh for other people. It is the cutest thing ever and we will never stop trying.
  • Tummy. Tummy time is getting so much better now that I started giving you toys to look at while you lay there. You also love getting "raspberries" from us. They even make you laugh.
  • You are still an excellent sleeper and love bath time.
  • This past month you got diagnosed with acid reflux and got your first ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. The medicine is helping so much. You went from throwing up a ton during the week to usually only once. It makes going places a lot easier. I still over prepare and bring more outfits just incase. I never know when it's going to hit. The medicine makes you a lot happier as well.  
  • I started putting you in 6 months clothes. They don't fit really well but they are so cute. I went and bought you a whole fun summer wardrobe for 6 months and with the warmer weather I was too anxious to wait. 
  • You love your reflection. We have so much fun laughing and smiling in front of any mirror. 
This week was my last week at and I brought Brooklyn with me to wrap everything up for 3 days. She loved giving away her smiles and giggles and everyone commented on her long fingers and feet. She really does have the most feminine hands/fingers. Painting her finger nails is going to be fun. 

On to some pictures of my cute 3 month old:

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I think they look so similar in this picture
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She loves her daddy so much
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  1. She just keeps getting more adorable (if that's even possible) :) So precious.

  2. So cute! I'm praying we get to see her and you guys during our super quick trip in a few weeks!

  3. I love that pose with her hand by her face! She is so wonderful, I can't wait to hear Thomas laugh and talk more. Congrats on the 3 month mark!

  4. She is so stinkin' cute! I love her big cheeks. :) Sounds like she is in a super fun stage!


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