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So it's been a while since I've blogged. I don't really know why but you know how you just get behind and it seems overwhelming to catch up? Yeah...I think that is what has happened here. Anyways I have been wanting to blog about this for a while.

Earlier this month I said goodbye to my Ancestry Family and it was much harder than I thought it would be. For as long as I can remember I have envisioned myself staying home with my children. It's all I knew as a child and I enjoyed having my mother there to talk to and confide in. Well a little over 2 years ago I started working at, the largest family history company. I started off doing customer support for I was there for less than 2 months and was promoted to work in the Escalations handling angry customers, privacy complaints, BBB stuff, and lots of other things. I really loved the people I worked with and my boss was the best. I was able to interact with so many departments in the company and really got a good understanding of the customer voice. 9 months later I had the best opportunity handed to me. I was asked if I would be interested in being the Events Manager. Based on my field of study and experience they thought I would be a good fit. I didn't even hesitate and accepted immediately on the spot. How could I not? I would've been crazy. For over a year I worked in this position and loved it. For those of you who have read my blog for a while know of some of the amazing places I got to travel to. Incase you haven't here are some highlights:

New York twice 
Paris twice 
Some other destinations: California, Philadelphia, Alabama and Cincinnati. I mean how cool was my job? I felt so blessed everyday to have it.

During maternity leave I decided not to return because of the amount of travel my job requires, which happened to be one of my favorite parts. I just didn't want to be away from Brooklyn for almost a week most parts of the year. In order to make sure the person who took over my job was prepared I returned to work for three days. Going back and then having to say goodbye was a lot harder than I anticipated. Two of those days I took Brooklyn with me and worked. It was a challenge as her needs still needed to be met and then one day my dad came and watched her. I felt torn in so many directions. It was so hard to be away from her but it felt awesome to be back at work and to have my mind focusing on those things. Don't get me wrong I am so grateful to be home with my daughter but I was blessed to work for an amazing company, with the best people, doing something I loved. It also didn't help leaving knowing that Derek doesn't have a job lined up yet after graduation. For many days I was feeling so sad and guilty for leaving my family in financial insecurity. I still have a hard time with it but have faith that things will work out.

Moving on...Elizabeth, who now has my job, was so sweet throughout everything. She threw a little surprise going away party and got everyone to sign some really sweet cards so I could carry these memories with me. Thank you for that. I will miss my Ancestry family. It was an amazing company to work for with great people and benefits. For my first real job out of college I consider myself quite lucky and spoiled. Thank you for this opportunity. It'll be one I never forget. Here is to seeing what the future holds for our little family!

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  1. You're the best. we all miss you.

  2. Loved this! You're a great mom :)

  3. Laura you are wonderful! You made such a positive impact here at Ancestry!!!


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