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Showing posts from January, 2014

1 year old!

My sweet daughter Brooklyn is 1! I can't believe that. That means I have been a mom for 1 year. Good news is we both have survived! She's grown so much sine she's been 1. She didn't become a toddler overnight but as soon as she could walk she left those baby years behind her and hasn't looked back. I on the other hand seem to always be looking at her like my little baby. I guess I need to get with the times and realize my baby girl is no longer a baby. Here are some of our fun activities and happenings from her 12th month: 1st dentist appointment: 12/11/2103 Learned to clap: 12/19/13 Tried whole milk and wasn't a fan (still isn't) Celebrated her very first Christmas Celebrated her 1st birthday  Pointed, and still points, at everything Will open the door if you ask her to Knows how to turn on and off the light switches when you ask Loves to read and loves her blanket Is more of a sound sleeper than I knew. She slept through a fire alarm and a lo...